Turmeric is a spice that’s been used for a really long time because it’s good for our health. Recently, people have started talking about another kind called black turmeric, which has some special things that are good for us. this blog will tell you why drinking black turmeric juice is good for your health. Also, this food contains antioxidants that can improve the look of your skin and lower swelling. So let’s look into it together and find out how this dark, strong juice can help us feel better all around.

Understanding Black Turmeric juice

Black Turmeric juice

This turmeric is a special type of turmeric that looks different from the yellow kind you might be more familiar with. Instead of being yellow, the roots of turmeric are dark purple or almost black.

  1. Looks Different: This turmeric stands out because of its dark color. The part of the plant we use, called the rhizome, is dark purple or black. This color is because of something called anthocyanins, which also make good for you.
  2. Good for Health: People have been using this in traditional medicine, like Ayurveda, for a long time. Curcuminoids, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids are some of the good chemicals in the part of the plant we use that are good for our health.
  3. Helps with Inflammation: Like the yellow turmeric you might know, this turmeric is good at reducing inflammation in our bodies. Sometimes this can help with arthritis and other conditions that make the body swell.
  4. Full of Antioxidants: The dark color of black turmeric shows that it has a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our cells and help them stay healthy, which keeps us from getting sick.
  5. Traditional Uses: People have been using turmeric for different reasons in traditional medicine. People with breathing problems, stomach problems, and even skin problems have used it. A few people also believe it can help with love and having babies.
  6. Sometimes in Cooking and Ceremonies: While turmeric isn’t used in cooking as much as the yellow kind, some people still use it for its special taste. In some religious ceremonies, it is also used.
  7. Needs Protection: This turmeric is at risk of disappearing because of things like losing its natural home and being taken too much. People are working to keep it safe and grow it in a way that doesn’t hurt the earth.

Benefits of Black Turmeric Juice

Black turmeric is like the cool cousin of regular yellow turmeric, and it’s not just cool in color – it’s awesome for your health, especially when you turn it into juice.

  1. Superhero Against Pain: This turmeric has something called curcumin, which fights against swelling and pain.If your joints hurt or you have arthritis, drinking this juice could make you feel better
  2. Defender Against Bad Stuff: This juice is loaded with defenders called antioxidants. Think of them as shields that defend your cells, preventing any harm and keeping your body strong and healthy.
  3. Boosts Your Body’s Bodyguards: Drinking turmeric juice could help make your body’s defense team (aka your immune system) stronger. If your immune system is strong, it’s harder for you to get sick.
  4. Helps Your Clean-Up Crew (Your Liver):  This turmeric is a friend to your liver, helping it do its cleaning job. It helps your body remove bad stuff and makes you feel fresh and clean on the inside.
  5. Keeps Your Tummy Happy: This juice is like a superhero for your stomach, making it easier for you to digest your food. It also helps your tummy have good bacteria so that everything works smoothly.

Black Turmeric Juice for Skin Health

Have you ever heard of black turmeric? It’s a special type of turmeric that has a cool dark purple-black color. When you make juice from this unique turmeric, it can do fantastic things for your skin. Let’s find out why black turmeric juice is like magic for your skin.

  1. No More Wrinkles: This turmeric has stuff called antioxidants, especially one called curcumin. These things are like superheroes that fight bad guys called free radicals. Free radicals make your skin look old too soon. Drinking black turmeric juice can help your skin look young and happy, making wrinkles and lines less noticeable.
  2. Shine Bright Like the Sun: This turmeric is like a superhero for your skin tone. It fights against redness and makes your skin look even and bright. So, if you want your skin to glow and shine, turmeric juice is the way to go.
  3. Bye-Bye Skin Troubles: This turmeric can also fight off bad stuff on your skin, like acne and eczema. It has powers that can calm down the redness and help your skin heal. So, if you have skin troubles, this turmeric juice might be the natural hero you need.
  4. Feels Good for Sensitive Skin: If your skin gets mad easily, this turmeric juice can be like a soothing hug. It calms down the red and uncomfortable feelings on your skin. So, if your skin is sensitive, this turmeric juice could be your new friend.
  5. Clean Inside, Beautiful Outside: Healthy skin starts from inside your body. this Black turmeric juice helps clean up your insides, getting rid of yucky things. When your insides are happy, your skin looks better on the outside. It’s like a secret recipe for pretty skin.
  6. Easy Ways to Use Black Turmeric Juice: Making your skin happy with this juice is easy. You can drink it by itself or mix it into yummy smoothies. You can also use it on your face like a superhero mask. Black turmeric juice is like a beauty treasure waiting to be discovered.

How to Use Black Turmeric Juice in Your Routine

  1. Plain Black Turmeric Juice:
    • Start your day by drinking a small glass of juice. You can use a juicer or blend the turmeric roots with water, then strain it to get the juice. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach for the best results.
  2. Turmeric Water:
    • If you want something light, put a few slices of this turmeric into a pitcher of water and let it soak. This way, you get a gentle turmeric taste while making sure you drink enough water during the day.
  3. Smoothies and Juices:
    • Mix black turmeric juice into your favorite smoothie or juice recipes. Add fruits like pineapple, mango, or orange to make a tasty and healthy drink. The sweetness of the fruits balances the earthy taste of this turmeric.
  4.  Turmeric Tea:
    • Make a warm and comforting turmeric tea by mixing black turmeric juice with hot water, honey, and lemon. This not only makes the taste better but also gives you a cozy drink, especially when it’s cold.
  5. Salad Dressings:
    • Boost the nutrition of your salads by using black turmeric juice in homemade dressings. Mix it with olive oil, lemon juice, and your favorite herbs for a delicious and healthy dressing.
  6. Yogurt or Smoothie Bowls:
    • Pour black turmeric juice over yogurt or blend it into your smoothie bowl. Top it with fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds for a colorful and healthy breakfast or snack.
  7. Turmeric Lattes:
    • Make a trendy turmeric latte by blending black turmeric juice with your favorite plant-based milk. Add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavor. It’s a great drink for cozy evenings.
  8. Ice Pops and Sorbets:
    • Have fun with black turmeric by making ice pops or sorbets. Mix the juice with coconut water or fruit puree, freeze it, and enjoy a healthy and cool treat.

Start with a little and increase your intake gradually. Being consistent is important to see the health benefits over time. Try different recipes to find what you like best and what fits into your daily routine.


 Drinking black turmeric juice is great for your health. You can easily include it in your daily routine by drinking it in the morning, mixing it with water or smoothies, or even applying it to your face. 



 What’s so special about black turmeric compared to yellow turmeric?

Black turmeric is a different type of turmeric that looks dark purple or black, unlike the usual yellow one.
It’s unique because it contains special things like curcuminoids and terpenoids that are good for our health and make it different from others.

Why should I drink black turmeric juice for my health?

Black turmeric juice is like a superhero for your body.
It helps your body fight pain and swelling, strengthens your defenses, supports your liver in cleaning up, and keeps your stomach feeling good. People have been using it in traditional medicine for a long time for different health reasons.

Can black turmeric juice make my skin better?

Yes! Black turmeric juice is like magic for your skin. It prevents wrinkles, makes your skin look nice and shiny, and can even solve skin issues such as acne. If your skin is sensitive, this juice can be like a soothing hug.

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