In this blog, we will talk about different types of garlic and try out three garlic recipes. We’ll make our garlic salt, cook some tasty garlic fried rice, and mix garlic with honey. these simple ingredients can make your meals healthier and more delicious. Come join us on this tasty journey and discover how garlic can make your meals better and super tasty too!

Discovering Different Types of Garlic

Garlic is not just one flavor it has various kinds, each with its special taste. Here are five types of garlic that can make your cooking more exciting!

Softneck Garlic:

 Softneck garlic is the most common type you find in stores. It’s soft and has a mild taste. People often use it for cooking and even for making pretty braids.

Hardneck Garlic: 

Hardneck garlic is different because it has a hard stem in the middle. This garlic also grows some curly green shoots called scapes. When you have this type of garlic with a hard stem, it produces these curly shoots.

Elephant Garlic: 

Elephant garlic is big, but it’s not a true garlic. It’s more like a leek. The cloves are large, and the taste is milder than regular garlic. It’s a good choice if you like a not-so-strong garlic flavor.

Black Garlic:

 Black garlic is cool because it changes during a special cooking process. It gets sweet and tasty, kind of like balsamic vinegar and molasses. The garlic cloves turn dark, and it gives a special and yummy spin to regular garlic.

Silverskin Garlic: 

Silverskin garlic is the last one to be picked and lasts a long time. The cloves are small and packed together. People like using it for making garlic braids, and it’s good for many different recipes.

These are the five various types of garlic that you may use in your cookery! Each has its flavor, so experiment and find which garlic you prefer for the dish you’re preparing. 

Homemade Garlic Salt Recipe for Healthy Eating

Garlic Salt Recipe

Making your garlic salt at home is super easy and adds lots of flavor to your meals. This garlic salt recipe is not just delicious but also a healthy choice compared to store-bought versions. Let’s make this easy and delicious recipe.


  1. Garlic Powder: 2 tablespoons
  2. Sea Salt or Kosher Salt: 1/4 cup
  3. Optional: Dried Herbs (like parsley or thyme) for extra taste


  1. Get the Ingredients Ready:
    Collect your garlic powder, sea salt kosher salt, and any optional dried herbs you want to use.
  2. Mix Everything:
    In a small bowl, stir together the garlic powder and salt. If you’re using dried herbs, add them to the mix and stir well.
  3. Blend for a Smoother Mix:
    If you want it to be extra smooth, you can blend the mixture in a food processor or use a mortar and pestle. This helps make sure the flavors are spread evenly.
  4. Keep in a Closed Container:
    Put your homemade garlic salt in a closed container to keep it fresh. This way, it stays flavorful for a long time.
  5. Use a Little Bit:
    Don’t use it too much! Just a little of this garlic salt will make your food taste amazing.

Health Benefits:

  • Not Too Much Salt: Making your own garlic salt lets you control how much salt you use, so it’s not too much.
  • No Extra Stuff: Unlike store-bought garlic salt, this homemade version doesn’t have extra things you don’t need. It’s a simple and healthy choice.

​This easy garlic salt recipe not only makes your food taste better but also helps you make healthier choices. Enjoy the tasty garlic goodness in your meals without worrying about unhealthy stuff. 

garlic fried rice recipe for Weight Loss
garlic fried rice recipe

If you want a tasty meal that’s also good for losing weight, try making Garlic Fried Rice! It’s delicious and contains garlic, which is beneficial for you. Here’s how you can make it:


  • 2 cups cooked brown rice (make sure it’s cooled)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped very small
  • 1 cup mixed vegetables (like carrots, peas, corn, and bell peppers)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper (just a bit)
  • Optional: Tofu, chicken, or shrimp if you want more protein

How to Make It:

  • Get Your Ingredients Ready:

      • Cook the brown rice and let it cool.
      • Chop the vegetables and garlic.
  • Cooking Time:

      • Put olive oil in a big pan on medium heat.
      • Add the chopped garlic and cook it for about 30 seconds until it smells really good.
  • Cook the Veggies:

      • Put the mixed vegetables in the pan and cook them until they’re a little soft but still a bit crunchy.
      • If you’re adding tofu, chicken, or shrimp, put it in now and cook it until it’s done.
  • Move Things Around:

      • Move the veggies (and protein) to one side of the pan.
  • Make Eggs:

      • Pour the beaten eggs into the pan on the empty side. Stir them until they’re all cooked.
  • Mix Everything:

      • Mix the cooked eggs with the veggies and protein.
  • Add Rice:

      • Put the cooled brown rice in the pan. Break up any big clumps and mix everything 
  • Add Flavor:

      • Pour the soy sauce over the rice and stir well.
      • Add just a bit of salt and pepper.
  • Finish Up:

      • Cook everything together for a few more minutes until it’s all warm.
  • Ready to Eat:

    • Your yummy Garlic Fried Rice is ready to eat!

This Garlic Fried Rice is not only tasty but also good for you. You can make it with your favorite ingredients, and it’s a great choice if you’re trying to lose weight.

Garlic and Honey recipe for losing weight

Garlic and Honey recipe


  1. 10 cloves of garlic (chop them small)
  2. 2 tablespoons of honey (the natural kind is best)


1. Get the Garlic Ready:

  • Take the skin off the garlic and chop it small. This helps the good stuff in garlic (called allicin) to come out.

2. Mix Garlic and Honey:

  • Put the small pieces of garlic in a bowl. Add the honey and mix it up well. Make sure the garlic is spread all over the honey.

3. Let It Rest:

  • Leave the garlic and honey mix for around 15-30 minutes. This time the good things from garlic get into the honey.

4. How to Eat It:

  • Start with a little bit, like half to one teaspoon, and have it in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also spread it on toast or put it in your favorite tea.

Good Things About Garlic and Honey for Weight Loss:

1. Helps Your Body Burn Calories:

  • Garlic can help your body burn calories faster.

2. Controls Your Hunger:

  • Honey is sweet and can help with those sweet cravings, so you’re less likely to eat too many sugary snacks.

3. Cleans Your Body:

  • Both garlic and honey can help clean your body, which is good for weight loss.

4. Keeps You Healthy:

  • Eating garlic and honey together can make your immune system stronger, which is good for your health while you’re trying to lose weight.

Important Reminder:

  • While this garlic and honey mix is helpful, it’s also important to eat balanced meals and exercise regularly for overall health.

Try adding this easy garlic and honey mix to your day, and enjoy the tasty and healthy benefits on your journey to a better weight.


In this blog, we talked about different kinds of garlic and tried three recipes. We discovered about five types of garlic, made our garlic salt, cooked garlic fried rice for a healthy meal, and mixed garlic with honey for a sweet option that might help with weight loss.  


Can I use any types of garlic for these recipes?

  • Yes, you can pick any of the five types of garlic Softneck, Hardneck, Elephant, Black, and Silverskin, depending on which one you like best for the recipes.

How long does the homemade garlic salt stay good?

  • If you keep it in a closed container, your homemade garlic salt will stay tasty for a long time. It’s a healthy choice without any extra stuff added.

Is garlic fried rice good for losing weight?

  • Absolutely! The garlic fried rice is not only delicious but also a good choice if you want to lose weight. It has brown rice, veggies, and the goodness of garlic. You can also add tofu, chicken, or shrimp for protein.