Staying active is vital for feeling great and staying healthy, especially with “7 exercises to do everyday.” Experts suggest getting around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of more intense aerobic exercise weekly. But you know what’s even better? Squeezing in daily habits to boost those health benefits. In this blog, let’s chat about seven actions you can easily do every day, and we’ll sprinkle in some info about the Muscle Activation Technique and Forearm Workouts with Dumbbells to keep things interesting. Because staying fit should be a daily affair!

7 Exercises to Do EveryDay for Beginners

7 Exercises to do everyday

If you’re new to the whole fitness thing, starting easy is finding a routine that pushes you just enough without going overboard. Here are 7 Exercises to Do EveryDay simple exercises that get the job done, perfect for beginners:

Bodyweight Squats:

 Engage your lower body muscles by performing squats with proper form.


 Strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps with this classic exercise.


Build core strength and stability by holding a plank position for 30-60 seconds.

Walking Lunges:

 Target your legs and improve balance with walking lunges.

Jumping Jacks:

 Get your heart rate up with this full-body cardiovascular exercise.

Dumbbell Rows: 

Introduce light dumbbells for a beginner-friendly upper body workout.

Calf Raises: 

Strengthen your calf muscles by lifting your heels off the ground.

Consistency is critical for beginners. Aim for 15-20 minutes of exercise daily, gradually increasing intensity as your fitness improves.

Understanding Muscle Activation Technique

Muscle Activation Technique

Muscle activation technique (MAT) is crucial to any fitness routine. MAT isn’t just your regular workout routine it’s a mix of exercises and stretches meant to wake up and strengthen specific muscles.

 7 Exercises to Do EveryDay for Men

Men often have specific fitness goals, such as building muscle mass and enhancing overall strength. Tailor your routine with these 7 exercises to do everyday.


 This compound exercise targets your hamstrings, lower back, and core.

Bench Press: 

Strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps with the bench press.


 Build upper body strength and definition with this challenging exercise.

Overhead Press: 

Work your shoulders and upper arms with the overhead press.

Barbell Squats:

 Develop lower body strength and stability with barbell squats.

Plank Variations: 

Challenge your core with side planks, rotations, and other variations.

HIIT Workouts:

 Incorporate high-intensity interval training for cardiovascular health and fat loss.Adjust the weights and repetitions based on your fitness level and gradually progress to more advanced variations.

 Effective Forearm Workouts with Dumbbells 

Forearm Workouts with Dumbbells 

Muscular forearms are essential for everyday activities and overall grip strength. Incorporate the following dumbbell exercises to target your forearms:

Wrist Curls: 

Sit or stand while holding a dumbbell and perform wrist curls for flexion and extension.

Reverse Wrist Curls:

 Target the opposite side of your forearms with reverse wrist curls.

Farmers Walk:

 Hold a dumbbell in each hand and walk for a set distance to engage your forearms and grip.

Hammer Curls: 

Work both your biceps and forearms simultaneously with hammer curls.

Include these exercises in your routine to improve forearm strength and functionality.

7 Exercises to Do EveryDay for Women

Women often prioritize overall fitness and toning. Here are 7 exercises to do everyday tailored for women:

Glute Bridges: 

Strengthen your glutes and lower back with glute bridges.

Side Leg Raises: 

Target the outer thighs and hips for a toned lower body.

Tricep Dips:

 Sculpt your arms and improve upper body strength with tricep dips.

Leg Press: 

Work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes with the leg press machine or resistance bands.

Russian Twists: 

Engage your core and obliques with this effective abdominal exercise.

Kettlebell Swings:

 Combine cardio and strength training for a full-body workout.

Yoga or Pilates: 

Incorporate these mindful practices for flexibility, balance, and well-being.


In Conclusion, The 7 exercises listed here are suitable for all skill levels and provide a flexible and doable way to get your daily exercise fix.  


  1. How long should I do these exercises every day? 

Aim for 15-20 minutes daily, gradually increasing as you become more comfortable with the routine. Consistency is key.

  1. Can beginners do the exercises mentioned for men and women?

 Yes, beginners can start with the beginner-friendly exercises listed initially and gradually progress to more advanced workouts tailored for men and women.

  1. Do I need any equipment for these exercises?

 Most of the exercises can be done with minimal equipment. However, as you advance, incorporating light dumbbells or resistance bands can add intensity.

  1. Is it necessary to follow the Muscle Activation Technique (MAT)?

MAT is beneficial for waking up and strengthening specific muscles, but it’s not mandatory. It can be integrated into your routine based on your fitness goals.

  • Can I mix and match exercises from different sections?

 Absolutely! Feel free to customize your routine by combining exercises from different sections to cater to your fitness preferences and goals.